A lot of people start each day waking up earlier than they want to, and then they drive further than they want to drive and work all day at a job they do not particularly enjoy, around people they do not particularly like; at the same time, however, many of these people have a desire to quit this job and change up their lifestyle - finding a way to instead work for their own self, from the comfort of their own home - and nevertheless fail to ever take the necessary steps. One of the big things that stands in the way of people taking the leap of faith required for them to quit their job and go out on their own is the fact that "making their money work for them" - instead of "working for their money" - can be an intimidating proposition, and this is especially true when it comes to investing, where the risks are heightened because of the chance you might lose the money you risk. If you are interested in starting a life of your own, however, you should realize that it is entirely possible to do so - and when you take the right approach to investing in real estate, you will actually be able to make good money in the short term and great money in the long term, while also protecting your money from risk. The best thing to do, if you are interested in making great money on your own, is to start looking closely at the ins and outs of rental real estate; the simple truth is, when you invest in the right sorts of rental properties (most particularly multi-family dwellings), you will be able to make truly great money, and will be able to move toward the life of your dreams. Taking a leap into the unknown can be a bit frightening - but in all actuality, this is a whole lot less scary than reaching the end of your life and feeling like you wasted it; take the time to start learning about things you can do to make money on your own - then get out there, and start doing it! Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
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Saturday, May 3, 2014
The Best Investment Books, For Every Investor
Hundreds of new investment books are published annually. Some of these books claim to have cracked the code for get-rich-quick investing. Other books claim to be full of "tried and true" principles. Some books try to help you make money in the long run, and others know exactly how to play the market right now. Some of these books are written by famously successful investors, and others are written by investors you have never heard of; sometimes, you have never heard of them for a reason. With so many options out there each year, it begs the question: Which books are the right books? The answer to that question is simple: forget about the books published recently, and go back to the ones that have stood the test of time. While there are certainly valuable books that have been published over the last few years, these long-standing books have been proven to be absolutely invaluable, and they will help you lay a great foundation. Whether you are a new investor or have been building your portfolio for ages, these three books are full of wisdom and advice that can help you moving forward. 1) The Intelligent Investor: This book, written by Ben Graham, was originally published in 1934, and even today it is still considered a must-read. In fact, Warren Buffett has called this book "the best investing book ever written." 2) The Essays Of Warren Buffett: And of course, every investor must read Warren Buffett himself; this book arranges Buffett's essays by topic and relevance. While every Buffett book is a good book, this option is a wonderful starting point, as it will aid you in every area of investing. 3) Common Stocks And Uncommon Profits & Other Writings: This book by Philip Fisher explores fifteen qualities of an excellent business. These thoughts from one of the greatest financial minds in history will certainly aid you in expanding your own portfolio. By taking the tips of these men who knew how to make the market work for them, you can start to make it work for yourself; no longer will you be one of those who thinks the people who make money in the stock market are simply lucky; instead, you will know from experience that the people who make money in the stock market just plain know more than those who do not.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Resolving Conflicts In A Family Business
The idea that trying to separate "work life" from "family life" can be difficult leads many people to advise others to never work with family, but if you are already involved in a family business, this advice does not do much to help you; instead, you should acknowledge that conflicts are inevitable in any form of business - and when it comes to participating in business with your family, it is essential that you know how to resolve these conflicts, as they will otherwise be able to injure relationships in both work and family. The best way to resolve conflicts within the confines of a family business is by having a structured plan in place that you can follow whenever you run into conflicts; you need to wait until a time when no conflicts are occurring in order to come up with this plan, as this will enable everyone to give their input into the process without a current issue getting in the way. If the conflict that you have run into is about something of a minor and/or interpersonal nature, the two people involved should work it out between themselves whenever this is possible, avoiding the need for mediation from someone else in the family or business; for such conflicts, a designated room or area should be set aside for the two involved in the conflict to have their discussion, as this will allow the rest of the work space to remain a peaceful environment that is conducive to work while the two in conflict resolve their issue. On the other hand, if the issue in question deals with the entire company or family, having a process that will allow both sides of the argument to be heard by everyone will be useful, after which everyone in the family can vote on the issue to complete the resolution. Once these processes have been agreed-upon and put in place, it will be easy to follow these processes in order to resolve conflicts at work, and to do so without allowing these conflicts to trickle over into your regular family life. Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Getting Along With Others On Your Project Team
Nothing can be worse than being on a project team at work and finding that you do not get along with the other people on your team. Of course - if the project will be going on for a while, and you will be stuck with these people every day - it is vital that you find a way to get along with them! Even though you may not like everyone on the team, you can follow these tips to get along with even the worst of them! One of the first things you need to make sure you recognize is that it is not always necessary for you to prove that you are right. Even though this can be difficult if you find yourself on a team with an insufferable "know it all" who is nevertheless usually wrong, it is still important to adhere to this principle. Oftentimes, the majority of the members on a project team will be absolutely wrong about something, but this "something" will be something that has no real bearing on the project; you will begin to notice this as you realize that you do not always have to prove you are right. In essence, this will lead you to start picking your battles, learning to only correct the rest of your team at those times when it is necessary.
You will likely encounter conflicts and frustrations with the way some of the others on your team work, and picking your battles extends to these situations also. In the end, it is better for both yourself and the project that you only assert your strong opinions about something when it is necessary to do so. It will pay off in the long run to always be "the bigger man" - as difficult as this can be when you are around these same people every day! Being the "bigger man" also entails allowing others to take credit for work they did not do if they choose to try and mislead your superiors. In the end, your superiors will come to realize who did the work and who did nothing! Being on a project team can be about more than completing the project well; it can also be about simply surviving to the end! You will be able to not only survive to the end when you follow these tips, but you will also be able to thrive!
Coming Up With Creative Ways To Drive Your Business Forward
The fact that you are always competing with others within the world of business is one thing you will quickly realize - whether this competition is direct or indirect, and whether this competition is visible or invisible - and if you are not constantly moving forward in your business, you are likely falling behind your competitors; because of this, it is important that every business owner knows the steps they can take in order to make sure they are always driving their business forward. If you want to drive your business forward, one of the best things you can do is set goals for your business that seem outlandish; too many businesses set their sights too low - coming up with goals that they know they can achieve, and then striving to barely achieve them - but when you set goals at the beginning of each year that seem as though they are outlandish, you will put yourself in a position where you are searching for ways to accomplish these goals - as outlandish as they may have seemed to be! In addition to always assessing where you feel your business stands, you should also make it a habit to regularly collect input from those who work for you; after all, those who work for you will have the best understanding of how things are going out there in the field, and you can use this input and information to adjust your approach to each thing you are doing with your business. And having others who are spreading the word about your business for you is one of the best ways to drive your business forward; of course, the best ways to accomplish this these days is with the Internet - using your website, your blog, your facebook page, and your Twitter to recruit loyal customers who will help you to notify others of all the things you are doing as a business. When you take these steps to always drive your business forward, you will ensure constant forward movement - which will put you in a place where you are staying ahead of your competitors, instead of falling behind! Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Tips For Coming Up With Creative Ways To Drive Your Business Forward
Within the world of business, one thing you will quickly realize is that you are always competing with others - whether this competition is direct or indirect, and whether this competition is visible or invisible - and if you are not constantly moving forward in your business, you are likely falling behind your competitors; because of this, it is important that every business owner knows the steps they can take in order to make sure they are always driving their business forward. One of the best ways to drive your business forward is to set goals for your business that seem outlandish; too many businesses set their sights too low - coming up with goals that they know they can achieve, and then striving to barely achieve them - but when you set goals at the beginning of each year that seem as though they are outlandish, you will put yourself in a position where you are searching for ways to accomplish these goals - as outlandish as they may have seemed to be! In addition to always assessing where you feel your business stands, you should also get in the habit of regularly collecting input from those who work for you; after all, those who work for you will have the best understanding of how things are going out there in the field, and you can use this input and information to adjust your approach to each thing you are doing with your business. And having others who are spreading the word about your business for you is one of the best ways to drive your business forward; of course, the best ways to accomplish this these days is with the Internet - using your website, your blog, your facebook page, and your Twitter to recruit loyal customers who will help you to notify others of all the things you are doing as a business. When you take these steps to always drive your business forward, you will ensure constant forward movement - which will put you in a place where you are staying ahead of your competitors, instead of falling behind!
Carrying Someone Else's Business Cards With You
If you are in business, you understand all the reasons why it is wise to carry your business cards with you everywhere. When you are out, you never know who you will meet; furthermore, when you meet someone, you never really know who they are, and you never really know who they might know. You are always ready to pass your business card along to someone who might be a future client or customer if you have a stack of your business cards with you. But while just about every businessman and businesswoman understands the how and the why of carrying around their own business cards, few of them ever consider the wisdom of carrying around someone else's business cards as well. Carrying others' business cards can be very prudent indeed, and here are just a couple reasons why. As a businessperson, you understand that any conversations with strangers are golden. Any opportunity you have to talk to someone you do not know might just be the opportunity you have been waiting for. But a stranger is likely to be turned off right away if they think you are striking up conversation with them just to sell them something. People are protective of their money; they are less likely to talk to you if they think you are trying to exchange something for their money! But if you are equipped with others' business cards, you have a full arsenal of safe conversation starters. Say you overhear someone in a restaurant talking about how they need a plumber. If you are equipped with your favorite plumber's business card, you have an open door to slide into the conversation. "Pardon me, but I heard you mention your need for a plumber; here, take this card - this guy has worked on our house before, and he has been great!" In this way, you have opened conversation without trying to sell them something of your own. At some point, the conversation will cycle back around to you, as they ask you what you do for a living. Furthermore, people are far more likely to remember someone who helped them out without any reason to do so. As your conversation has turned back around to you, and to what you do, you will likely end up unloading one of your own business cards as well. And you will have yourself a new customer the next time something arises in this person's life that you might be able to help with. Even though the practice of carrying others' business cards might seem insignificant, it might just be the "small step" that brings you your next big thing. Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Eliminating Bad Mistakes At Work
It is pretty much impossible to avoid the fact that every person will make mistakes at work at one point or another, and for the most part, the people with whom you work will be perfectly understanding when you make such mistakes (after all, it has probably not been all that long since they made a mistake at work themselves!). But of course, there is a difference between “making mistakes at work” and “making big mistakes at work”; big mistakes are no different from little mistakes in that they can simply happen to anyone, but big mistakes are often more costly, and it is for this reason that you will want to make sure you know how to avoid making big mistakes at work. In order to eliminate bad mistakes at work, probably the best thing you can do is always double check your work; it is easy to get so comfortable in your job that you end up never taking the time to glance back over the work you have done, but once you get in the habit of taking just a couple extra minutes to always double check your work, you will be able to catch all those little mistakes that happen, and more importantly, you will be able to catch those big mistakes when they come along! Another way to avoid mistakes at work is to always be willing to ask questions and try to learn more; it is easy to get comfortable in a job and assume that you already know all there is to know about it, but when you get in the habit of always trying to learn more, you will be able to continually improve at your job, which will continually separate you from those bad mistakes that can be made. And even when you do these things, realize that there will still be times at your job when things will go wrong, and the manner in which you react to these things going wrong will be key; rather than simply getting upset because things went poorly, learn to always break down what went wrong, identifying the problem so you can avoid it next time around.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Things You Need To Understand For Making Money Online
The concept of making money online is something that appeals to a great number of people, as it is typically believed that working from home would be a perfect way to make a living; after all - the thinking goes - working from home would enable you to make practically uncapped income while setting your own schedule, wearing whatever you want, and leading a much more relaxing life. While all these things can be true, however, it is also true that making money online can be tough - unless you know the right things that you will need to keep in mind. The first thing you need to understand about making money online is that traffic on your website will be the biggest key. When you have a lot of traffic coming your way, your opportunities for making money online will be huge - but when you are unable to get traffic to come your way, you will have a hard time indeed with your quest to make money online. The next thing you need to understand is that the biggest key to bringing traffic to your site will be understanding search engine optimization; when you are able to appeal to search engines, you will be able to achieve the high ranking you desire - and this high ranking will translate to high traffic numbers. And finally, you need to start realizing that there are things you can do beyond search engine optimization in order to get people to your site. For instance, you can visit blogs and forums that are frequented by people who will appreciate your site, or you can become active on social media, or you can write off-site articles - and these ideas are just the tip of the iceberg! Once you realize the importance of traffic, and then start figuring out what you can do to get traffic to your site, you will finally find yourself in a position where you can make serious money online - and can start living that enviable life you have dreamed of!
Looking At The Four Most Important On-Page Ranking Factors
When you are search engine optimizing your website, it will be important that you turn your efforts toward both your on-page and off-page ranking factors; of course, each is as important as the other, but because of the fact that on-page ranking factors give you more control, this is the best (and most natural!) place to start for exploring the things you will want to do. When it comes to the on-page ranking factors on your site, the first thing you will want to look at is your text, as your text will be a big part of where search engines end up ranking you; firstly, it will be within your text that you put your keywords - which are a big part of the way search engines see your website - and secondly, readers will read your text, and they will be more likely to share it with others (and to keep returning themselves) if it is good! When it comes to the work you are doing within your own website, the next thing you will want to focus on is your headings and subheads; this might seem like something you can push to the side, but realize that search engines use these tags to determine what your site contains, and to determine the order of importance of your content, so taking advantage of these will help you quite a bit! Another thing worth paying attention to on your website is the text used in your navigation menus; rather than labeling different pages as "Page 1," "Page2," and so on, label your pages with descriptive keywords, as this will help visitors and search engines alike. And finally, one of the most important things of all on your website (and one of the most often overlooked aspects of search engine optimization) will be the tags on your site; make sure you are properly applying everything from image tags to title tags to meta description tags, as all of these things will go a long way in positively influencing your search engine ranking! Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
How To Establish An Ethics Management Program In Your Business
The bigger your business gets, the more difficult it will be for you to personally manage and account for every employee in your organization - which is why it is so important for you to establish an ethics management program in your business. But even if you are fully aware of the fact that you need to institute such a program, you might not know exactly how you should go about doing this; if this is the case, read on for some tips on how to establish an ethics management program in your own business. Some people try to do an orientation that deals with business ethics on the day they hire a new employee, and then they never do anything to refresh the employee on all the things they were told so long ago! If you want to keep this from happening in your business, you should have set intervals during which you will enter them into a business ethics management program; these intervals should typically be something along the lines of "any time an employee is promoted" or "any time an employe is transferred to a new department." Another mistake a lot of businesses make is trying to do ethics management programs on their own; instead, you should always hire a third party mediator or an independent auditor to train your employees about business ethics.
Finally, you should incorporate basic ethics management training into the everyday aspects of your business practices - and not only among your employees, but also with all the company's "higher-ups," including you yourself! When you make all these things a normal part of your everyday routines and procedures, you will be able to ensure that everyone within your business understands their responsibilities as far as business ethics are concerned. Having employees who have ethical business practices is important if you want to have a business that is successful, and that can remain successful for a long time. If you simply follow the tips listed, you will be that much closer to making sure the employees in your business are comporting themselves in the manner you would expect.Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Tips For Overcoming Obstacles At Work
When you are at work and you are faced with a project or a problem that seems unconquerable, the frustration can end up seeping into every other area of your life; after all, most people spend more time at work then they spend doing anything else, and when things are not going well at work this can make life as a whole rather difficult. In spite of the fact that each work problem is its own unique beast, there are still a few things that anyone can keep in mind in order to help them overcome obstacles at work; next time you face an obstacle yourself, take this approach, and watch as the problem starts to disappear. It can become easy to try the same things over and over again and wonder why they are not working when you are trying to overcome an obstacle at work, but a much better approach to trying to overcome an obstacle at work is to try to approach the problem from a different angle. Not only does approaching a problem from a different angle help, but it sometimes will also help if you enlist the help of others in devising an approach to this problem; try to cultivate a group of people at your job who you feel comfortable going to when you're faced with an obstacle, and these people can help brainstorm with you until you come up with a solution. And even though it might seem like conquering a problem at work will require you to keep trying until you finally knock it out of the way, sometimes the best thing of all for you to do is simply take a bit of a break from the problem; when you do this, you will often find that you will come back with a solution suddenly in mind! Keep these tips in mind next time you are faced with a serious obstacle at work – and watch as you are able to conquer the problem much more quickly than you would otherwise be able to!
Finding New Marketing Methods Through Facebook
One of the most popular sites on the internet is the social media site Facebook. Around the world there are no more than 500 million active users of the site. An active user is one that uses the website on a consistent basis to connect with friends. For a business this means that you have an audience that is absolutely massive. Facebook offers marketing opportunities for businesses that have never been seen before. Failing to take advantage of theses opportunities can be very harmful to your business. There are however many difficulties that marketing on Facebook has proven to present to businesses. How should one go about using it successfully? This question is one of many that don't have a definite answer to it. There isn't a set blue print to marketing for a website like Facebook that is this relatively new. A lot of people don't like this about the site, but it offers some very unique opportunities in reality. The fact that there is no set way to use Facebook to market allows a business to experiment. Thousands of other business often promote in the same way once an effective method is found but this is not the case when using Facebook. They will be able to make sure their business is successful through methods that are developed by them. As long as you continue to target the audience you desire you will enjoy the results. Don’t let new opportunities pass your business by. Many people consider old methods of marketing the best option, but in reality they are old and stale. They aren't the best option just because most people use them for their business. Any marketing expert will attest that the best way to market your business is through a method no one else has used. Using Facebook to market isn’t brand new, but it hasn’t been around long enough to be exploited. Gather new clients in new ways so your business can stay ahead of the curve the rest are on!Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Tips For Making Money In Real Estate
If you have ever had a desire to quit your job and to make your money work for you (instead of spending so much time working for your money), one of the areas you may have taken a look at is real estate; at the same time, you may never have pulled the trigger on real estate - not even "on the side" (as opposed to quitting your job and doing it full-time - and part of the reason for this may simply be because you did not know the steps to take.
Of course, early on, it can be somewhat frightening to get into real estate - and this is largely due to the fact that the housing market has been so volatile over recent years, and even though there are big profits to be made in real estate, this can also mean that there are big risks involved. If someone were hoping to make great money in real estate several years ago, "flipping houses" was the likeliest approach for them to take, but the first thing you need to realize about real estate these days is that "flipping houses" is a thing of the past; instead, the best approach to take these days is rentals - and when you do this with the right approach, you will minimize risk, while making great money! Looking to pick up multi-family properties is the best way to do rentals; unlike houses (where you will have to do an entire house's worth of maintenance for each rent check you get), a multi-family dwelling will put you in a position where you can collect a lot more money per building - and in this way, you will be able to make a great living in the short term, while also setting yourself up for a huge payoff down the road when you choose to sell your properties! When you start understanding the little things that will help you with a multi-family unit, you will be able to set yourself to make big money with low risk - and to finally live the life you have dreamed of!
Of course, early on, it can be somewhat frightening to get into real estate - and this is largely due to the fact that the housing market has been so volatile over recent years, and even though there are big profits to be made in real estate, this can also mean that there are big risks involved. If someone were hoping to make great money in real estate several years ago, "flipping houses" was the likeliest approach for them to take, but the first thing you need to realize about real estate these days is that "flipping houses" is a thing of the past; instead, the best approach to take these days is rentals - and when you do this with the right approach, you will minimize risk, while making great money! Looking to pick up multi-family properties is the best way to do rentals; unlike houses (where you will have to do an entire house's worth of maintenance for each rent check you get), a multi-family dwelling will put you in a position where you can collect a lot more money per building - and in this way, you will be able to make a great living in the short term, while also setting yourself up for a huge payoff down the road when you choose to sell your properties! When you start understanding the little things that will help you with a multi-family unit, you will be able to set yourself to make big money with low risk - and to finally live the life you have dreamed of!
Monday, April 28, 2014
Three Ways To Increase Your Online Presence
One thing that will be extremely important if you have a business of your own will be that you are able to get the most out of all the great benefits offered by the Internet; after all, the Internet can be a great way for you to connect with your current customers, and can be a great way for you to gain new customers without spending a dime on advertising, but if you are not taking the proper steps to get the most out of your online presence, you will fail to capitalize on all the benefits the Internet has to offer! In order to make the most out of the Internet for your business, the first thing you will want to do is make sure you have a website; if you already have a website for your business, this might seem like an elementary need, but there are many small businesses out there wondering why they are not succeeding, and they have not even taken the time to build a website! After the website for your business has been set up, it will be important that you make sure you are not just blindly adding content to this site, but are instead taking the time to learn as much as you can about the principles of search engine optimization, and are using these principles in order to ensure that you are showing up highly in search engine searches - as this will go a long way in helping you to gain new customers through the Internet. And finally, make sure you understand the fact that social media (that is, such tools as Twitter, facebook, and LinkedIn) will be hugely beneficial in allowing you to connect with your customers and your potential customers; create an active presence on these sites, and you will be able to enjoy all the benefits that come as a result! There are a lot of things that go into building a successful business, but when you take these steps to get the most out of the Internet, you will be that much closer to achieving success yourself! Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Using The Buying Cycle To Your Advantage
If you have a small business website, or if you have started a site for search engine marketing, you will likely be using search engine optimization in order to target people who are searching for the product or service available on your site; while this is a great start to driving traffic your way and making money as a result, you should also realize that there are a few more things you should pay attention to in order to make sure this traffic turns into sales - namely, the way the buying cycle works these days. There is a high percentage of consumers who will head to the Internet these days when there is a product they are thinking about buying (especially a product that will cost a decent chunk of money - which is where your focus should be, especially if you are a search engine marketer), and when they go online, the first thing these people are likely to do is compare the specs on different products; while it is fine to bring traffic your way at this point, one thing you should also realize is that you are unlikely to convert this particular traffic into profits! The reason you are unlikely to turn this traffic into profits is because most people will move from this point to A) asking friends (perhaps on Twitter and facebook) for opinions on the products they have looked at, and B) looking up reviews of these products; this is another big spot in the buying cycle that a lot of people target on their sites, but it is not a big part of the buying cycle for actual sales!
Finally, you are going to arrive at the end of the buying cycle, when consumers will be searching keywords such as "best deals on" the particular product, or "best prices on" the product in question; because this is the part of the buying cycle when the most sales are going to be made, this is the part of the buying cycle you will want to aim to target in your keyword approach, as this will bring you the highest conversion rate! Bringing lots of traffic to your website will be an important part of making money on this site, but another aspect that will be just important is converting this traffic into sales - and when you understand the buying cycle, you will be well on your way to doing this!
Finally, you are going to arrive at the end of the buying cycle, when consumers will be searching keywords such as "best deals on" the particular product, or "best prices on" the product in question; because this is the part of the buying cycle when the most sales are going to be made, this is the part of the buying cycle you will want to aim to target in your keyword approach, as this will bring you the highest conversion rate! Bringing lots of traffic to your website will be an important part of making money on this site, but another aspect that will be just important is converting this traffic into sales - and when you understand the buying cycle, you will be well on your way to doing this!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Tips For Establishing An Ethics Management Program In Your Business
The bigger your business gets, the more difficult it will be for you to personally manage and account for every employee in your organization - which is why it is so important for you to establish an ethics management program in your business. But even though you might know that you need to institute such a program, you might not know exactly how you should go about doing this; if this is the case, read on for some tips on how to establish an ethics management program in your own business. Some people try to do an orientation that deals with business ethics on the day they hire a new employee, and they subsequently do absolutely nothing in the way of refreshing their employees on all of these things as time passes! If you want to keep this from happening in your business, you should have set intervals during which you will enter them into a business ethics management program; these intervals should typically be something along the lines of "any time an employee is promoted" or "any time an employe is transferred to a new department." Another mistake a lot of businesses make is trying to do ethics management programs on their own; instead, you should always hire a third party mediator or an independent auditor to give your employees everything they will need to know in the way of business ethics.
Finally, you should incorporate basic ethics management training into the everyday aspects of your business practices - and not only among your employees, but also with the managers in your company, and with you yourself! By making these things a big part of your everyday routines and procedures, you will be able to ensure that everyone within your business understands their responsibilities as far as business ethics are concerned. Having employees who have ethical business practices is important if you want to have a business that is successful, and that can continue to be successful in the long run. If you simply follow the tips listed, you will be that much closer to making sure the employees in your business are comporting themselves in the manner you would expect.
Tips For Making Your Way Online As An Entrepreneur
If you are a small business owner or working in some sort of entrepreneurial capacity, there is a good chance you took this step in your career because you wanted to eventually be able to work fewer hours while making more money than you were making before; while this is certainly something any small business owner or entreprenur can attain, however, this tends to end up being the opposite of reality for most entrepreneurs and small business owners - and this is largely because they do not know the steps they need to take in order to dominate online. The first step to dominating online as an entrepreneur is using search engine optimization to dominate search engines; some people simply use SEO as a means to gain a bit of extra exposure on search engine rankings pages, but when you take the time to learn all the ins and outs of SEOs, you can cause your site to gain a top ranking, and to gain tons of new traffic as a result! In addition to learning the ins and outs of SEO in order to take full advantage of its power, you will want to use social media to get people to swarm to your site; social media is a great way to connect with people you would otherwise never be able to come in contact with - and these connections can often lead to a great boost in profits for you. And finally, you should understand that your website will not do you much good - unless you have this site optimized for sales; do not be shy to make it obvious that your site is in place in order for sales to be made, as this will enable you to make a lot more sales to the people who come your way! Realize that small business and your entrepreneurial efforts are games that can certainly be won - and you can be the one to win in these games once you understand how to take the right approach, and when you implement this right approach in your efforts! Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Saturday, April 26, 2014
A Business Guide on How to Utilize Social Markets to Their Advantage
Social media is an area of the internet that is now very well developed. An overwhelming majority of people who go online on a daily basis tend to use social media. The sites that are used include Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Linkedin. New opportunities are afforded through these websites and business owners everywhere are realizing them. The opportunities that are out there need to be taken advantage of and Dave Evans tries to help in his book Social Media the Next Generation of Business Engagement. In order to help apply this social technology to a business Evans writes about the many different areas in each business where it can be used. A variety of tools are available to help ensure high levels of customer engagement and he details them all. There are initial waves of social media marketing that have been completed and learning from them is how this is done. Determining the best way to move on is done after surveying the knowledge gained. Many businesses use social media marketing today in order to build loyalty through these sites with not only their customers, but also their partners. The loyalty that is built will also be the building block for long term success. The book also details how this loyalty moves throughout the company. A company should not use social media just in their marketing department and no other areas. The product development division, HR department, and customer service specialists can all use information taken from each site. Social media is looked at in a much closer way by Dave Evans when compared to other books on it. There is topical information that is available on these sites and many books will simply glance over this material. Instead Evans leads his readers down a path of greater understanding on how these sites can help each business in many different areas. Social marketing is rather new to business operations, but even given this there is plenty of groundwork developed to get some type of social marketing into a business plan. Getting left behind on the newest business trends is the easiest way for a business to fail over the long term.
How To Deal With Criticism At Work
It can often seem like your job is your "life" with the amount of time and energy you put into it - no matter how much effort you might put into trying to convince yourself otherwise - and because of this tendency for people to feel this way about their jobs, it can be a tough pill to swallow when they encounter what they feel is unwarranted criticism or negative feedback about their work. While it can be difficult to deal with criticism in an area into which you invest so much of your own time, it is also quite possible to deal with this criticism in an appropriate manner, as long as you take the proper approach. The first thing you need to realize about criticism is that it is important to accept it when it occurs; if your boss is giving you criticism at work, it is likely because they see something that they feel you should fix, and arguing with them is not going to make the situation any better! After you have accepted the criticism, find a place where you can be alone for a bit; in this "alone place," think about the criticism you were given, and establish whether there is anything you can take away from the things that were said. You should use this time as an opportunity to acknowledge the things about your performance that are worth commending, but you should also see what truth and means for learning you can take from the things that were said to you. Finally, the most important part of dealing with criticism at work is reminding yourself that - no matter how much time you spend at your job - your job is neither the most important thing in your life, nor is it your life! Coming to this realization will make it much easier for you to learn from criticism at work, without getting weighed down by the negative aspects of the criticism in question. Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Friday, April 25, 2014
Tips For Keeping Visitors On Your Website
If you are running a website, regardless of whether you have this website in order to promote your small business, or in order to try to make money through search engine marketing, you will probably be putting a lot of emphasis on getting people to your site - using search engine optimization and other creative efforts in order to do so - but one thing you should also keep in mind is the fact that just because people show up on your site does not necessarily mean they will stay!
Design: Even though this makes very little sense when considering the fact that people did not come to your site for the design, but instead came because they input a search in a search engine and your site showed up, this is still the first thing most visitors will notice; the design of your site does not have to be perfect, but if you do a poor job with your design - to where it bothers visitors - they are likely to leave right away!
Relevance: As long as your design has not chased your visitors away immediately, they will next turn their attention to determining exactly how relevant the content is to the search they showed up because of; this means that it will be important for you to know what your primary keywords are on each page, as this will enable you to make sure your content will be relevant to the searches that bring people to you. Quality: And of course, a good design and relevant content will mean nothing if the content on your site is of a low level of quality - so make sure you focus on this final aspect of your site in order to keep people around, and to make money in the long run!
As you build your website, in addition to your efforts to bring traffic your way, make sure you are paying attention to these important elements, and in the long run, you will achieve the success you desire!
Design: Even though this makes very little sense when considering the fact that people did not come to your site for the design, but instead came because they input a search in a search engine and your site showed up, this is still the first thing most visitors will notice; the design of your site does not have to be perfect, but if you do a poor job with your design - to where it bothers visitors - they are likely to leave right away!
Relevance: As long as your design has not chased your visitors away immediately, they will next turn their attention to determining exactly how relevant the content is to the search they showed up because of; this means that it will be important for you to know what your primary keywords are on each page, as this will enable you to make sure your content will be relevant to the searches that bring people to you. Quality: And of course, a good design and relevant content will mean nothing if the content on your site is of a low level of quality - so make sure you focus on this final aspect of your site in order to keep people around, and to make money in the long run!
As you build your website, in addition to your efforts to bring traffic your way, make sure you are paying attention to these important elements, and in the long run, you will achieve the success you desire!
Advice on Starting Your Own Small Business
Starting a small business from scratch can be a very difficult prospect. One of the toughest questions is where exactly do you start? Deciding where to start is just the initial part; where you go from there is just as important. Coming up with a definitive road map for your new business can be very difficult. When you consider that all small businesses will have different paths to success this can be more true than ever. Starting your path is difficult and seeking advice on where to begin is a great option for any entrepreneur. Many books have been written on starting up a small business, but they are not all helpful. The small picture is a focus of many of these books since they don't understand everything that is incorporated. The advice you will need is included in Start Your Own Business, a book that truly wants to help you put the title into action. Advice in places that you may not realize you need it in will often be given by the authors since the big picture is in mind. This is also the best selling business start up book of all time for a reason. They accomplished this by setting out a basic plan that was applicable to all start up businesses. Uncovering creative ways to finance a business, learning the secrets of successful marketing, and pinpointing a target market are things that every business needs to complete before they begin to operate. All the way until you are just maintaining a successful business this book will help bring you along. The secrets of many that have been successful in running their own businesses are held within the covers of this book. Nobody should try to take on such a difficult task without first seeking the advice of those who have been successful. The resources that are available to you should be taken advantage of. It will be next to impossible for a business owner to have success without using their resources! Start Your Own Business Fifth Edition.Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Marketing Your Business Effectively
The available avenues for marketing your business to the public are practically endless; you might have heard that the key to marketing is finding something that works, but even before you can do this, you have to find something! Too many businesses fail to market themselves at all, and because of this they fail to remain in business. Once you understand how to market your business, it is not difficult, but if you want to remain in business, you have to make sure you understand how to do it. Find a marketing strategy (or several marketing strategies) that you enjoy, and that you can run effectively, and you will see your business blossom as a result. One thing for you to consider is the computer screen you are reading this article on; how much time do you spend on your computer, and how much time do your customers and potential customers spend on their computers? The internet is full of opportunities for marketing, and you will be able to easily catch people where they are spending their time. With ads on the internet, you can often customize them to reach the exact audience that will be good for your ad, and you can cultivate high visibility and reach a broad audience. What's more, you can use pay-per-click advertising so that the only time you ever pay for an ad is when someone shows interest by clicking on it. Some of the best return on investment in marketing comes from pay-per-click ads. You can also keep all your money in your pocket and still advertise on the internet! Especially if your business already has an established presence and a recognizable name, you can use facebook and Twitter to create greater awareness. Each of these social networking platforms are absolutely free, and they can go a long way in helping you to spread the word about your business once you understand exactly how you can use them effectively. Finally, you can use the internet through email. Most auto-responder technology that will allow you to market through emails are relatively inexpensive, and email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods. Your business has no chance without marketing, and your business has very little chance without good marketing. Figure out the marketing method that works for you, and then give it all your energy! Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Tips For Getting Hits On Your YouTube Videos
People use YouTube in a number of ways; some people use it to get famous, some people use it just for fun, and some people use it for their business. Regardless of how you are using YouTube, it is a relatively useless tool if the videos you are posting are not getting any hits! It is important that you figure out how to get hits on your videos - especially if you are using YouTube to promote your business! Of course, in order for a YouTube video to get hits, it must be something that people will share with others. This is the magic of YouTube - one person can post a single video, and this video can be seen by millions as others start to spread it around. If you want people to actually spread your video around, you need to make videos that are actually relevant. This does not necessitate you being inauthentic or in some way "hip"; all it really means is that you need to make sure your video covers something people will actually care about. If you are using YouTube for your business, this can be as simple as making a video about a promotion, or making a video with a message to your customers.
Of course, it certainly will not hurt for your video to be funny - after all, funny videos get spread around much more quickly! Short videos also tend to do better than long ones - and even though this can be difficult to stick to, it is also important. With short videos, you can give your viewers something that is easy to watch, and you can leave them wanting more. And this is another one of the biggest keys: you should always leave your viewers wanting more, as this will cause them to watch it again. The emergence of YouTube has been a huge benefit to those companies who have figured out how to employe it in an effective manner. And once you start to follow these tips yourself, you will also be well on your way to employing YouTube effectively.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Using Social Markets in Order to Develop Long Lasting Business Ties
An area of the internet that is very well developed right now is social media. The majority of people who consistently go on the internet also use social media sites. The sites that are used include Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Linkedin. These sites open new opportunities for any business and their owners have started to understand this. The opportunities that are out there need to be taken advantage of and Dave Evans tries to help in his book Social Media the Next Generation of Business Engagement. Evans seeks to help people that work in different business arenas take the necessary steps for their business to apply social technology. He details how to implement a variety of tools that ensure higher levels of customer engagement. The best way to accomplish this is by looking at the initial attempts at social media marketing and learning from them. The knowledge gained is then used to determine the best way to move forward. Social Media Marketing The Next Generation of Business Engagement. Building customer and partner loyalty through these sites is one of the best reasons for a business to use social marketing today. Long term benefits will be realized from this loyalty. The book also details how this loyalty moves throughout the company. The marketing department of a company is not the only one who has a reason to use social media. Valuable information from these sites can be gained by the customer service, product development, and HR departments. Other marketing books fail to take a look that is as in depth as the one Dave Evans does. Other marketing books tend to detail the very simple information that people already know about each site. How these sites can help each business in all the different areas is the path that Evans leads his readers down instead of the common one. Social marketing is rather new to business operations, but even given this there is plenty of groundwork developed to get some type of social marketing into a business plan. Don’t be left behind in the business arena; stay up to date on the newest trends to ensure long term success.Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Acknowledging The Hard Work Of Your Employees
Getting the most out of your employees will be one of the most important things when you are running a business - after all, employees who work hard and truly care about your business will act as just one more extension of you, whereas employees who do not care about your business and do not work hard can be a huge detriment in the long run; of course, getting the most out of your employees is not always as simple as just coming up with some magic solution, but when you understand how to acknowledge the hard work of your employees, you will be much more likely to get the most out of them. One thing that you should be aware of is that an employee of the month award is meaningless if the only thing these employees get is the title “employee of the month”; make it clear to your employees what it takes to win employee of the month, and what the process is for selecting the employee of the month, and then make the reward for winning employee of the month truly worth their efforts! Another way to get the most out of your employees is to make sure you are giving them time off; if you are making your employees work during holidays when other companies are not working, and if you never give them any bonuses for the hard work they have done, they are unlikely to give you nearly as much as you would like from them. And of course, as much as hard work is important, relaxation is important as well, as employees will not be able to continually give 100% if they are never able to replenish themselves; even as you create a work environment that expects and promotes hard work, you should also make sure that you are taking care of your employees at work so that they feel relaxed, as this will help them to keep working hard. If you want your business to be a success, you will need your employees to help, and the biggest step in getting your employees to help is to realize that they will take care of you as long as you are taking care of them!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
How To Get People To Your Website's Sales Page
A lot of small businesses - and even a lot of search engine marketers - deal with the problem on their website that (with much time, effort, and hard work) they find they are getting lots of traffic to their site, only to discover that they are not really increasing in sales as much as they would like; a large part of the reason why this happens is that traffic is not necessarily synonymous with conversions - and in order to convert visitors, you will need to know how to get them to your sales page. One of the best ways to get visitors to your sales page is by having a "call to action button" that exists on every page on your site - either on the sidebar of the site, or within the text itself; this call to action button should not compromise the look of your site, but it should snag the attention of your visitor (perhaps letting them know about a deal or promotion you have going on) so that they will be more likely to visit your sales page. Another thing you should realize is that there are certain parts of a site that visitors tend to ignore, because so many websites use these areas for ads, or for sales pitches, but one area of the site that visitors will have a hard time ignoring are the tools they will need to use to navigate the site - so take advantage of this by placing sales-related materials in these areas.
And finally, you will want to make sure you are paying close attention to the actual design of your site, and will want to make sure that the elements that will be important for converting visitors stand out, instead of blending in so well with the rest of your site that your visitors never even notice them! When you start paying attention to these things, you will be able to see a steady increase in the number of conversions you have on your site - and will see a steady increase in income from your site as a result! Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
And finally, you will want to make sure you are paying close attention to the actual design of your site, and will want to make sure that the elements that will be important for converting visitors stand out, instead of blending in so well with the rest of your site that your visitors never even notice them! When you start paying attention to these things, you will be able to see a steady increase in the number of conversions you have on your site - and will see a steady increase in income from your site as a result! Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Looking At Three SEO Tips You Might Not Have Thought Of
When you are working on search engine optimization within the content of your website, paying attention to all the little things you can do that will help will be one thing that will be important; while most of your competition will be paying attention to the big things, adding these little things to your repertoire of SEO tricks will go a long way in setting your site apart - and bringing you extra traffic as a result. One thing that you need to realize is your site will probably rank a lot more highly if search engines are "crawling" your site on a regular basis, and it is not very likely that search engines will crawl your site on a regular basis if you are never adding new content; if your site does not "have a reason" to add new content at least three times per week, consider adding a blog section to your site, and update this at least three days a week in order to increase your crawl frequency. Another thing that will help your site is for you to share link juice with yourself; typically, when you think of link juice, you will think of the links you are giving to other sites, and the links they are giving to you, but you can also spread link juice throughout your own site - linking to certain posts or sections throughout your site.
And finally, realize that writing off-site articles, and submitting these articles to article databases, will help you in two ways: firstly, you will create an opportunity to gain new traffic through people clicking on the links in these articles, and secondly, you will increase your search engine ranking through the backlinks these articles create. Regardless of whether you are running a website in order to promote your business or as a means to hopefully make money on its own, make sure you are always keeping your eyes open for the "little things" your competitors are missing - and take advantage of these as a way to gain an edge in the long run.
Creating A Good Working Environment For Your Employees
One of the biggest things you will need to make sure you do if you want to get the most out of your employees is give them a work environment that will be positive and will engender great behavior and hard work - but while just about every business owner is fully aware of this fact, actually making this a reality for your business (and for your employees) can be a bit more difficult; in your quest to create a positive work environment for your employees - and to experience success with your business as a result - here are a few things you can keep in mind to help you achieve this goal. You do not want employees who are always frightened; you might think that this will 'keep them from making mistakes,' but actually, it is more likely to cause them to make mistakes; instead, one of the best ways to keep your employees from feeling frightened and nervous is to understand the value of positive reinforcement, as providing positive reinforcement to your employees will put them in a place where they can continue to do these same things for which you are praising them. On top of understanding the value of positive reinforcement, it will also help you to understand the value of competition; some business owners have a tendency to view competition in a negative light, but when you allow your employees to compete with one another, this will give them a greater sense of investment in their job, and it will put them in a position where all of them are constantly striving to do their best. And of course, in order to create a great work environment for your employees, you will need to understand the value of relaxation; your employees can get burned out quite easily if you do not allow them to relax, so make sure they have enough time off from work, and make sure their work environment is not stressful! As you keep these goals in focus, you will continue to create a positive work environment for your employees - and they will continue to reward you with quality work!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Tips For Dealing With A Customer Who Has Not Paid You On eBay
With eBay, you can make some extra money on the side of your job, or you can get rid of stuff you no longer want. But in addition to being great for selling your items, eBay can sometimes be not-so-great for getting paid for the items you "sold." After all, on eBay, you do not get paid first and then give the customer the item - the way you would in a regular store - but instead, you have to wait for the person to pay you after they win the bid, and sometimes they can leave you waiting for a while! Customers on eBay have four days to pay, which is important to keep in mind if you are dealing with a customer who has not paid you for an item of yours they won. Even though this seems like a while, eBay will not take a complaint unless it has been at least four days from the day when the auction ended. At the same time, however, eBay usually takes these matters very seriously if the four full days have passed without the payment. The first thing you need to do is contact the buyer directly and see if you can work things out with them if they have not paid you. If you contact them and find them to be uncooperative or, worse, unresponsive, you will need to take the next step, which is filing a complaint with eBay's Resolution Center. After you file a complaint with the Resolution Center, the buyer will be notified, and they will have another four days. During this time, they are allowed to contact you and ask for an extension or try to make other arrangements, but you do not have to agree. The item will go down as an unpaid item if it has gone another four days without any payment from the buyer. This unpaid item will be listed permanently on the buyer's account, and you are then able to list your item again, or you can give a Second Chance Offer to one of the bidders who lost on the item. And when you sell your items on eBay, keep this in mind: you are able to look at the accounts of those who are bidding on your items, and if you find unpaid items in their history, you can protect yourself by blocking them from bidding on the things you list!
Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Finding Good Domain Names For Affiliate Marketing
If you want to make money as an affiliate marketer (creating websites on which you promote products from other websites, and through which you gain a "commission" for each sale you make), one of the most important things will be figuring out how to get traffic to your site; of course, a lot of people focus on search engine optimization in order to raise their website's search engine ranking, but while this is certainly beneficial, there are a few other things you should keep in mind as well - including the fact that your domain name will make a big difference in your success! Focusing on one specific product is the best way to make money with affiliate marketing, with one or two primary keywords around which you can center your efforts, and then to target buyers in this manner - but while this is a concept that a lot of people have no problem grasping, many people fail to realize that this goes for choosing your domain name as much as it goes for the content on your site! As you decide what your domain name will be, take a bit of time to research the best keywords for your targeted product (looking for keywords that are frequently searched, but that do not have much competition) - and then, make sure you find a way to incorporate these keywords into your domain name, in addition to incorporating them into your site's content! You should also realize that there are plenty of websites people took the time to build, made money off of for a while, and then abandoned, and even though these domain names no longer exist, they still rank highly in a number of searches - and when you find such domain names, this gives you a golden opportunity to start making money right away with a domain that already has a high search engine profile! As you start setting up websites for affiliate marketing, keep your mind open - making sure to consider every different angle of the problem in order to ensure that you are coming up with lots of different solutions as well.
How To Get Along With Others On Your Project Team
Nothing can be worse than being on a project team at work and finding that you do not get along with the other people on your team. Of course, it is vital that you get along with these people as best you can - especially if the project will be lasting for a while and you will be stuck with these people every day. In fact, you can follow these tips to get along with even the worst of them - without actually liking them at all! First and foremost, you need to recognize that it is not always necessary or important for you to prove that you are right. Even though this can be difficult if you find yourself on a team with an insufferable "know it all" who is nevertheless usually wrong, it is still important to adhere to this principle. Oftentimes, the majority of the members on a project team will be absolutely wrong about something, but this "something" will be something that has no real bearing on the project; you will begin to notice this as you realize that you do not always have to prove you are right. In essence, this will lead you to start picking your battles, learning to only correct the rest of your team at those times when it is necessary.
You will likely encounter conflicts and frustrations with the way some of the others on your team work, and picking your battles extends to these situations also. In the end, it is better - for you, and for the project - that you only assert your strong opinions when it is necessary. Especially when you are around the same people every day, it can be difficult to be "the bigger man," but this will pay off in the long run. If others on your project team try to take credit for work that they did not actually do, being the "bigger man" extends to this as well. In the end, your superiors will come to be aware of who did all the work, and they will also come to be aware of who did little or nothing. Being on a project team often comes to be about more than just completing the project well; it also comes to be about surviving to the end! When you follow these tips, you will be able to do more than just survive to the end of the project; you will also be able to thrive! Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
Monday, April 21, 2014
Looking At SEO: Hiring Out Versus Going It Alone
If you have a website for your business, you have probably come to realize how important it will be for you to boost this website's online visibility (after all, you are unlikely to get a lot of visitors to your site if no one knows that your site exists in the first place!), but while this might seem like a straightforward issue, there are a couple complications that come into play when you are trying to boost your website's profile: namely, whether it is better to do this yourself, or to hire someone else. While it would be great if there were an across-the-board answer that solves this problem, the truth is that the answer to this question will be different for every different company. SEO (which stands for "search engine optimization") is the process of causing your website to appeal to search engines - and there are actually people who are "SEO experts," and who make a living doing SEO work for different websites; the good news about hiring one such expert, of course, is that they are able to quickly carry your website to the top of search engine rankings pages, but the bad news is that they often charge an arm and a leg to do so! When trying to figure out whether or not you should hire someone to do your SEO work, the main thing you need to determine is which is more valuable for you: your time or your money. Some people will find that it will be worth the money they save to study up on SEO themselves, and to build their website without help; on the other hand, there will be those who will lose more money in the amount of time it takes them to learn and implement all this stuff than the money they would pay someone else to do it - in which case, it is well worth hiring out! Of course, in the end, it does not so much matter how you get to the desired end result (that is, a website that ranks highly on search engines) as that you get there somehow - but with this knowledge, you can decide whether you want to get there on your own or hire someone else to help. Don't get caught with your computer pants down! Back up your data online and get paid to help
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
others do the same. http://bit.ly/17jcdA0
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